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Slot Car Mods Sticker OG


Image of Slot Car Mods Sticker OG

Hey there! You'd be the talk of the town among your slot car friends if you get your hands on this "fantastically awesome" slot car sticker. You can stick it anywhere! On your car, slot car box, or any other place you prefer. It's entirely up to you!

The Slot Car Mods OG (3.4” x 1.9”)(87mm x 49mm) sticker is a must-have. Purchase it today and show your support for Slot Car Mods magazine.

Here's an exciting idea - use it as a billboard for your track layout. In 1/64th scale, it's approximately 18' wide x 10' tall, and in 1/32 scale, it's about 9' wide by 5' tall. Don't forget to send us a picture when you do to [email protected]

Our motto is simple: "Stickers make you faster" - SCM...

Thank you for your continued support.

All the best,

Please note: The white border in the picture is the backing paper of the sticker.